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Merge Window in MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC)

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:31

One of the MPLAB® X IDE features that MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) utilizes in the Merge window is the Diff Tool. The tool prevents the MCC code generator from overwriting any modifications made to an MCC-generated file without approval. When MCC detects a user modification to an MCC driver file during generation, the Merge screen appears as shown here.

MCC Generated Change Highlighted

MCC Generated Change Highlighted

The new MCC-generated code is shown on the left, and the previous version of the file with any user modifications is shown on the right as Merge Result (existing user modifications merged with existing MCC driver file). Description links at the top let you quickly move between each of the detected differences to accept or ignore the newly generated code changes.

Clicking on the arrow at the top center margin (circled in blue) causes MCC to replace all differences with the newly generated code, thus, replacing any code on the right that you may have added.

Clicking on the arrow within the highlighted area of a difference block (circled in red) will only copy that MCC-generated change to the file to be saved. This allows you to accept only the updated MCC-generated changes while leaving the user-modified code in place.

User Modifications Highlighted

User Modifications Highlighted

Not clicking on any arrows and closing the Merge window will ignore any newly generated MCC code with the result that no changes are implemented.