Demonstrating Secure Digital Flash Memory Card Functionality Using MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) - Step 5: Build and Program

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/04 12:30

Build and Program

MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is an expandable, highly configurable software program that incorporates powerful tools to help you discover, configure, develop, debug and qualify embedded designs for most of our microcontrollers (MCUs) and Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). MPLAB X IDE works seamlessly with the MPLAB development ecosystem of software and tools, many of which are completely free.

We’ll use MPLAB X IDE to build and program the project into the PIC® MCU.

Build project
Right-click on the project and select Build.
Right-click Build option in the menu

The project will successfully build.
Build Successful message


Program MCU

Click the Make and Program Device icon to program the MCU.
Make and Program Device icon

On the Starter Kit on Board tab, you will see the message, “Programming/Verify complete.”
Programming/Verify complete message

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