SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board - Getting Started Guide for MPLAB® Harmony V3

Last modified by Microchip on 2025/02/03 16:27


Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Development Board. This instruction will guide you in running the demonstration application that comes with the kit. 

Confirm the following components are present in the box:

  • SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board (P/N: EV63J76A)
  • SD card
  • USB-A to USB-C cable (power)

Required components not included in the box:

  • Serial to USB dongle
  • Ethernet cable

This getting started guide will allow you to perform an iPerf networking test between your PC (acting as TCP Client) and the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board (acting as TCP Server), through your local network infrastructure.


Note: The instructions in this manual are intended for the iPerf2 version of the networking test executable running on Windows®. The version is downloadable as provided in the instructions. 

MPLAB® Harmony Demo Setup

Download the from the repository, GitHub-EV63J76A.

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Unzip the downloaded file into any directory of your choice. Note the location where the files are unzipped. You will execute the iperf.exe from this location using a terminal to run the TCP Client.

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Download the harmony.bin and boot.bin from the repository, GitHub-EV63J76A.

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Copy the downloaded harmony.bin and boot.bin to the SD card. 

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Connect the components as shown in the accompanying image:

Ethernet cable to J14 connector.

SD card inserted in the SD Boot J10 slot (bottom side of the board).

Serial-USB dongle to UART DEBUG J35 header.

USB-A to USB-C cable to J3 USB-C port for power.

board connection editor



  • The SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board serial terminal set up in Step 6 will be referred to as "TCP Server" terminal.
  • The host computer command line started in Step 8 will be referred to as "TCP Client" prompt. 

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Set Up and Start the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board Serial Terminal

Set up the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board serial terminal on the host computer.

On the host computer, open a serial terminal with the following settings:

  • Baud Rate: 115200
  • Data: 8-bit
  • Parity: None
  • Stop: 1-bit
  • Flow Control: None

Open PuTTY.
putty icon

On the Category > Connection select Serial, then set the configuration.


Note: The serial line (COM10) can be confirmed using the Windows Device Manager. Set the the COM port number to what the Device Manager has assigned. 

Putty configuration

Press Open.

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Press the RESET (SW4) button on the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board to force a reset.

When the system is ready, the serial terminal that was set up in Step 6 will show a prompt. This is the TCP Server terminal on the PC.

Verify that the iPerf MPLAB Harmony application is running and displaying on the TCP Server terminal.
TCP Server terminal

Press the Enter key to show the prompt.
TCP Server terminal

The IP address is assigned to the board. The screenshot shows 

Your board will show a different IP address. Use your board's IP address instead of the one given in the screenshot when you run the iPerf test.

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Start the PC Command Line

On the TCP Server Terminal opened in Step 6, start the TCP Server on the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board by running the following command:

iperf -s -i 1

The TCP Server terminal should show that the iPerf application started executing and listening to the port: 

TCP Server terminal

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On the host computer run a command line application to execute the iPerf application.

Open Command Prompt.

Command prompt

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Go to the TCP Client terminal that was opened in Step 8.

Start the TCP Client on the PC by running the following command:

.\iperf -c -p 5001 -i 1 -t 5

Note that the IP address used should match the IP address recorded in Step 7.3.

This will test the performance of the network transfers between the PC and the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board.

The TCP Client terminal should show the results of the test: 

TCP Server terminal

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Go to the TCP Server terminal and confirm the test executed.

The TCP Server terminal should show the results of the test: 

TCP Server terminal

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The serial terminal is not showing anything.

There are multiple possible reasons why the terminal does not show anything:

  • Double-check that the RX-TX signals of the serial cable are properly connected to the RX-TX signals of the board.
  • Double-check that the ground signal is properly connected.
  • Verify that the SD card contains the right files.

Running the iperf command in the host terminal results in a "Connection refused" error.

[  1] tcp connect to port 5001 failed (Connection refused) on 2024-05-31 11:43:21 (US Mountain Standard Time)

Verify the IP address used when sending the iperf command matches the target IP address.
The terminal shows a RomBOOT message.
  • Verify that the SD card contains the right files.
  • Verify that the SD card is inserted properly.

MPLAB Harmony Demo

Running the iperf command in the host terminal results in a "Connection refused" error.

Verify the IP address used when sending the iperf command matches the target IP address.

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