SAMA7D65 Early Access Curiosity Board - Getting Started Guide for Linux®
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate the SAMA7D65 development board. This instruction will guide you through running the demonstration application that comes with the kit. For a deeper dive into the features and capability of the kit, refer to the links provided in the "Additional Information" section of this guide.
This getting started guide will allow you to perform an “Iperf” networking test between your PC (acting as TCP Client) and the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board (acting as TCP Server), through your local network infrastructure.
Download the image
Download the Yocto Project® image from the repo:
Place in any directory of your choice.
Copy the downloaded file into the SD memory card using Etcher.
Insert the SD memory card into the host computer.
Download, install and run balenaEtcher.
Select the downloaded linux4sam-poky-sama7d65_curiosity-headless-sama7d65-ea-1.0.img.bz2.
Click image to enlarge.
Select the target to download.
Click image to enlarge.
Select SD card mounted.
Click image to enlarge.
Select Flash.
The SD card will be ready for use once flashing is completed.
Click image to enlarge.
Connect the components as described in the following steps:
Ethernet cable to J14 connector,
SD card inserted on the SD Boot J10 slot (bottom side of the board),
Serial USB dongle to UART DEBUG J35 header, and
USB-A to USB-C cable to J3 USB-C port for power.
Set Up and Start SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board Serial Terminal
Set up SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board Serial Terminal on the host computer.
On the host computer, open a Serial Terminal with the following settings:
- Baud Rate: 115200
- Data: 8-bit
- Parity: None
- Stop: 1-bit
- Flow Control: None
check serial port in the system
-i 'serial|ttyUSB'
confirm serial port settings, assuming ttyUSB0 is the hardware connected.
set the parameters
115200 cs8 -cstopb -parenb
set the serial port to use, for example ttyS0 is selected
A built-in serial emulator is "cu". Assuming /dev/ttyUSB0 is the terminal you want to use, run cu:
Press the RESET (SW4) button on the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board to force a reset.
When the system is ready, the Serial Terminal you set up in Step 4 will show a prompt. This is the TCP Server terminal.
Verify the login prompt is shown on the TCP Server terminal.
Type or enter "root" to log in. No password is required.
Getting a lease with the DHCP server should be automatic. To make sure, on the TCP Server terminal, type "udhcp" in the command line:
On the TCP Server terminal, type "ifconfig" on the command line and verify the internet address is assigned to the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board.
Note the address assigned. This will be used to run the iperf3 test. In the screenshot, the address assigned is
Start PC Command Line
On the host computer run a command line application to execute the iperf application.
Run Linux Terminal Program:
Perform the test where SAMA7D65 Curiosity board is the TCP Server.
On the TCP Server terminal, run the iperf3 command:
Switch to the TCP Client Terminal Program started in Step 6 of the host computer.
Execute the iperf3 command with the noted internet address assigned (which is in the screenshot) in Step 5.5.
This will execute the test where the SAMA7D65 Curiosity Board as TCP Server and iperf application run on the host computer as the TCP Client.
Confirm the test results in the TCP Server Serial Terminal used in Step 7.
The TCP Server Terminal will show the results of the test similar to the accompanying image.
Additional Information
Serial Terminal is not showing anything | There are multiple possible reasons that the terminal does not show anything:
Running iperf command in the host terminal results in "Connection refused" error. [ 1] tcp connect to port 5001 failed (Connection refused) on 2024-05-31 11:43:21 (US Mountain Standard Time) | Verify the IP address used when sending the iperf command matches the target IP address. |
Terminal shows RomBoot message. |
I ran 'cu' in Linux command line, how do I exit? | Press keys Shift and ~ (tilde) then the . (dot) key and cu will exit and return to the command line |