Keypad Widget Documentation

Last modified by Microchip on 2025/02/18 14:16


The Keypad widget is an interactive interface element designed to facilitate user input through a virtual keypad, providing a seamless and intuitive method for data entry and command execution.

This widget is an essential component for applications requiring user interaction, such as password entry, numerical input, and command selection, offering a customizable and user-friendly interface.

This Keypad widget document covers the following topics:

  1. Creating and customizing Keypad widgets using Microchip Graphics Suite (MGS) Harmony Composer.
  2. Keypad widget properties.
  3. Handling Keypad widget properties and changing its data through application code.
  4. Keypad widget example project.
  5. APIs specific to the Keypad widget.

Before following this document, ensure that you are familiar with the process of designing with MGS Harmony Composer, generating code with MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) and debugging with MPLAB X IDE. To learn more about this, refer to the "Getting Started with Microchip Graphics Suite (MGS) Harmony" page.

Designing Keypad Widget using MGS Harmony Composer

To add the Keypad widget to your design, follow the steps given below:

In the Graphic Composer, select and drag the Keypad from the Tool Box to your screen designer workspace as shown in the accompanying image:

Drag "Keypad" widget from Tool Box to your screen

Figure 1. Drag "Keypad" widget from Tool Box to your screen

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To customize the keypad, select it on the screen designer or from the Screen Tree and modify its properties using the Object Editor:

Keypad Widget

Figure 2. Keypad Widget

Click on the Configure button next to Configure Cells property:

Click the Configure button to configure cell properties

Figure 3. Click the Configure button to configure cell properties

In this property, every cell of the keypad can be modified. On the left-side fields, you can modify the dimensions and the number of cells, while on the right-side fields, you can add different assets to a cell, such as strings or images, depending on the cell's state - pressed or released. 

Configure keypad

Figure 4. Configure keypad

Note: To learn how to import strings for your widget, please refer to the "Microchip Graphics Suite (MGS) Harmony Graphics Assets Guide" page.

Each cell of the keypad widget can function as a button and trigger an event whenever it is pressed or released, by checking the Key Clicked feature in the Object Editor:

Configure Events on Keys

Figure 5. Configure Events on Keys

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Managing Keypad Widget Schemes

Schemes control the look and feel of a widget.

To learn more about Schemes, how to add a new scheme and apply it to the widget, refer to the "About the Schemes and Scheme Editor" page.

To learn how to set the scheme for a keypad, click on the ? (question mark) button next to the Scheme Property editor of the Object Editor.

Scheme helper button

Figure 6. Scheme helper button

This launches the Keypad Scheme Helper window containing tips on how different sections of the scheme color table manipulate various elements of the widget:

Keypad Scheme Helper

Figure 7. Keypad Scheme Helper

Below is an example color scheme and the resulting appearance of the Keypad:

Keypad Widget scheme example

Figure 8. Keypad Widget scheme example

The information about the Keypad scheme adjustments and the example color scheme are summarized in Figure 9:

Color Scheme Table

Figure 9. Color Scheme Table

Note: Understanding how the various segments of the color table influence the appearance of the list assists you in selecting the appropriate colors.

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Keypad Properties

You can set the following properties of the Keypad using the Object Editor:

NameThis will be used to reference the Keypad by the application. Example - Screen0_KeypadWidget_0.
Row countThis will be used to set the number of rows for the Keypad widget.
Column CountThis will be used to set the number of columns for the Keypad widget.
Trigger ModeThis property determines whether an event is activated when a keypad cell is pressed or released.
Configure CellsThis will open the cell configuration page, where additional properties will be displayed. 
StringThis will insert the selected string into the designated cell.
Edit ActionThis will determine what edit action is sent to the active Edit widget when the cell is triggered (such as None, Append, Set, Clear, Backspace, Accept).
Edit ValueThis value will be sent to the active Edit widget if the Edit Action property is Set.
Pressed IconThis will be used to set an image that will be displayed in the cell when the specific cell is pressed.
Released IconThis will be used to set an image that will be displayed in the cell when the specific cell is released.
Image PositionThis will set the position of the image relative to the text (such as left of, right of, behind, above, below).
Image MarginThis will set the distance between the cell text and the icon.
Key ClickedThis will set the event that is generated every time a keypad cell is triggered.

Table 1: Keypad Widget Properties

Note: Widget properties specific to Keypad widget were discussed. For the properties common to all widgets, refer to the "Base Widget Documentation" page.

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Managing Keypad Widget through Programming

Once the graphical design is completed using MGS Harmony Composer, MCC generates the required code for all the widgets based on the properties set in the Object Editor. To learn more about the process flow between designing a UI (User Interface) and developing application code, refer to the "Designing an Application with Microchip Graphics Suite (MGS)" page.

Assume a Keypad widget is created with the following properties in MGS Composer:

Keypad Example Configuration

Figure 10. Keypad Example Configuration

For the Keypad widget with the properties shown in the figure above, MCC will automatically generate the following lines of code in  src\config\default\gfx\legato\generated\screen\le_gen_screen_Screen0.c:

  • A new keypad widget with 3 columns and 3 rows is created by the variable name Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0:
    Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0 = leKeyPadWidget_New(3, 3);
  • Its position is set to pixel location 298x148:
    Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->setPosition(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, 298, 148);
  • If the scheme is changed from default to custom scheme, the following code is added:
    Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->setScheme(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, &RedScheme);
  • Finally, the label is added to the screen:
    root0->fn->addChild(root0, (leWidget*)Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0);

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Application Code

The default code generated by MCC establishes the initial state of the widget. You can modify the properties or behavior of the widgets using the APIs mentioned earlier in the application code. Further discussion on application code related to the Keypad widget is provided below.

Here is an example of activating the event when a keypad cell is triggered, setting a string asset in a cell, modifying the size of the keypad widget and setting an action on a keypad cell:

Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->setKeyClickEventCallback(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, event_Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0_OnKeyClick);

leButtonWidget* cell_0_0 = Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->getCellButton(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, 0, 0);

cell_0_0->fn->setString(cell_0_0, (leString*)&string_No1);

Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->setSize(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, 280, 221);

leButtonWidget* cell_0_1 = Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->getCellButton(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, 0, 1);

Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0->fn->setKeyAction(Screen0_KeyPadWidget_0, 0, 1, LE_KEYPAD_CELL_ACTION_CLEAR);

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Keypad Widget Example Project

An example project for the Keypad widget is provided.

In this example, we show:

  1. How to create a Keypad widget and generate random Microchip logos on the screen.
  2. How to insert the number of the cell in a Text Field widget by using Keypad's actions.
  3. How to create a Tic-Tac-Toe game using the Keypad widget.

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MGS Simulator Output

Keypad Example

Each keypad cell is capable of generating an event upon activation. The callback functions responsible for handling the Key Clicked event are declared in le_gen_screen_Logo_Screen.h and implemented in the app_scrn_logo.c file. This event callback subsequently invokes the randLogoPosition(cell) function, which randomizes the visibility of logos when a cell is pressed.

  •   Key Clicked Event Callback
void event_Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget_OnKeyClick(leKeyPadWidget* wgt, leButtonWidget* cell, uint32_t row, uint32_t col)
  • In the randLogoPosition() function, the application determines which cell has been selected to ascertain the required number of logos to display, and then makes that number of logos visible
void randLogoPosition(leButtonWidget* cell)
   uint8_t randPosition[NUMBER_OF_LOGOS_CELLS - 1];
   uint8_t pressedCellNr;
   // Check which Cell was pressed
   for(int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_LOGOS_CELLS; i++)
       if(cell == LogoKeypadButton[i])
            pressedCellNr = i + 1;
   // if button 6 was pressed, then show all logos
   if(pressedCellNr == NUMBER_OF_LOGOS_CELLS)      
       for(int j = 0; j < pressedCellNr; j++)
           bool randOk = false;
           while (randOk == false)
                randPosition[j] = rand() % NUMBER_OF_LOGOS_CELLS;
                randOk = true;
               // Check if the logo was already selected
               for(int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                   if(randPosition[j] == randPosition[k])
                        randOk = false;

       for (int j = 0; j < pressedCellNr; j++)
            LogoImage[randPosition[j]]->fn->setVisible(LogoImage[randPosition[j]], LE_TRUE);
  • The user can insert the number of a cell into a designated text box next to the Pressed Key Label. To do that, you need to click on the textbox, which is a Text Field widget, to bring focus on it. To achieve this functionality, add the Text Field widget and the Keypad widget. Each cell of the keypad must have the Edit Action field set to Set to ensure that the action is transmitted to the active Edit widget when the cell is activated.
Edit Action Field

Figure 11. Edit Action Field in the Configure KeyPad Menu

  • The complete code can be found in le_gen_screen_Logo_Screen.c file for the text field and keypad widgets declarations and in the app_scrn_logo.c file for the random logo generator.
Logo_Screen_TextFieldWidget = leTextFieldWidget_New();

Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget = leKeyPadWidget_New(3, 2);

Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget->fn->setKeyPadActionTrigger(Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget, LE_KEYPAD_TRIGGER_KEYPRESSED);
Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget->fn->setKeyAction(Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget, 0, 0, LE_KEYPAD_CELL_ACTION_SET);
Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget->fn->setKeyValue(Logo_Screen_KeyPadWidget, 0, 0, (leString*)&string_No1);

for (int j = 0; j < pressedCellNr; j++)
            LogoImage[randPosition[j]]->fn->setVisible(LogoImage[randPosition[j]], LE_TRUE);
  • By pressing the ButtonWidget_TicTacToe Button widget, the user can navigate to the Tic-Tac-Toe game screen. This button triggers an event, which is implemented in the app_scrn_logo.c file. To facilitate screen transitions, the legato_showScreen() function must be invoked. Each screen has an OnShow event implemented, which initializes various functionalities whenever the screen is changed. Once the ButtonWidget_TicTacToe is pressed and the screen is changed, the respective functions for the widgets found in the new screen will be found in app_scrn_game.c.
Logo_Screen_ButtonWidget_TicTacToe = leButtonWidget_New();
Logo_Screen_ButtonWidget_TicTacToe->fn->setPressedEventCallback(Logo_Screen_ButtonWidget_TicTacToe, event_Logo_Screen_ButtonWidget_TicTacToe_OnPressed);

void event_Logo_Screen_ButtonWidget_TicTacToe_OnPressed(leButtonWidget* btn)

void Game_Screen_OnShow(void)
  • Upon navigating to the Game_Screen, the user will encounter two buttons, one label, and a new keypad. Pressing the ButtonWidget_Logo will generate an event that returns the user to the initial screen, featuring the random logo generation demo. The second button, labeled ButtonWidget_Game_Rst, will reinitialize the screen, allowing the game to be restarted and played anew. Regarding the Keypad widget functionality, each cell press generates an event that inserts the respective player's symbol, either 'X' or 'O', into the cell. The LabelWidget_Player displays the name of the next player whose turn it is to make a move in the game
Game_Screen_ButtonWidget_Logo = leButtonWidget_New();

Game_Screen_ButtonWidget_Game_Rst = leButtonWidget_New();

Game_Screen_LabelWidget_Player = leLabelWidget_New();

Game_Screen_KeyPadWidget = leKeyPadWidget_New(3, 3);

void event_Game_Screen_ButtonWidget_Logo_OnPressed(leButtonWidget* btn)

void event_Game_Screen_ButtonWidget_Game_Rst_OnPressed(leButtonWidget* btn)
    Game_Screen_LabelWidget_Winner->fn->setVisible(Game_Screen_LabelWidget_Winner, LE_FALSE);

void event_Game_Screen_KeyPadWidget_OnKeyClick(leKeyPadWidget* wgt, leButtonWidget* cell, uint32_t row, uint32_t col)
    TicTacToeGame(cell, row, col);
  • The TicTacToeGame(cell, row, col) function determines which cell was selected and checks if it has been previously pressed. If the cell is unpressed, it records the cell number, updates the cell with 'X' or 'O', and updates the Label widget with the next player's name. The setPositionsMatrix(oldPlayerState, row, col) function stores the current state of the keypad, and the checkWinningPositions() function subsequently verifies if there is a winning player.

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Keypad Widget APIs Description

This section describes the APIs specific to Keypad Widget. For a description of APIs common to all widgets, refer to the "Base Widget Documentation" page.


leResult setCellArraySize(leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t rows, uint32_t cols)
Sets the size of the keypad.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowsNumber of rows
uint32_tcolsNumber of columns



leKeyPadActionTrigger getKeyPadActionTrigger(const leKeyPadWidget* _this)
Gets the keypad action trigger.


const leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on

Returns the trigger action.


leResult setKeyPadActionTrigger(leKeyPadWidget* _this, leKeyPadActionTrigger trigger)
Sets the keypad trigger action.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on



leKeyPadWidget_KeyClickEvent getKeyClickEventCallback(const leKeyPadWidget* _this)
Gets the key click event callback.


const leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on

Returns the callback pointer.


leResult setKeyClickEventCallback(leKeyPadWidget* _this, leKeyPadWidget_KeyClickEvent cb)
Sets the key click event callback.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
leKeyPadWidget_KeyClickEventcbThe callback pointer



leResult setKeyVisible(leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, leBool enabled)
Sets the enabled state of a key.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index
leBoolenabledLE_FALSE or LE_TRUE

Returns the result of the operation.


leKeyPadCellAction getKeyAction(const leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col)
Gets the key action setting.


const leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index

Returns the cell action value.


leResult setKeyAction(leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, leKeyPadCellAction action)
Sets the key action setting.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index
leKeyPadCellActionactionThe cell action value



leString* getKeyValue(const leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col)
Gets the key value.


const leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index

Returns the string pointer.


leResult setKeyValue(leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col, const leString* val)
Sets the key value.


leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index
const leString*valThe string pointer



leButtonWidget* getCellButton(const leKeyPadWidget* _this, uint32_t row, uint32_t col)
Get a button widget pointer from the keypad.


const leKeyPadWidget*_thisKeypad widget pointer to operate on
uint32_trowThe row index
uint32_tcolThe column index

Returns the pointer to the Button widget.

Note: To learn more about the Keypad widget, please refer to the "How-To Create a Numeric Keypad" page.

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