Drawing Graphic Primitives
What are Graphics Primitives?
Graphics Primitives are non-interactive, rudimentary elements displayed on a screen. Several primitive elements can be combined together to create a complex image. Graphics primitive elements are used by both Microchip Harmony and MLA applications.
Graphics primitives include:
- Lines, Circles, Arcs, Rectangles, etc.
- Character Fonts
- Imported Images
Primitive Elements
Setup Functions:
DRVgfx_Initialize(): Initializes the display driver. This function must be called before any graphics element can be displayed.
GFX_Primitive_Initialize(): Initializes the primitive layer software allowing the primitive's drawing functions to operate.
GFX_ColorSet(color): Sets the drawing color. The value of the color is set by the RGB565 macro and can be found in GFXColor.h.
GFX_ScreenClear(): Clears screen with current color then places the cursor at (0,0).
GFX_LineStyleSet(key): Establishes that any line to be drawn has the attribute set by the key. The options for keys are:
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THIN_SOLID | solid line, one pixel wide (default) | |
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THIN_DOTTED | dotted line, one pixel wide | |
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THIN_DASHED | dashed line, one pixel wide | |
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THICK_SOLID | solid line, three pixels wide (default) | |
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THICK_DOTTED | dotted line, three pixels wide | |
GFX_LINE_STYLE_THICK_DASHED | dashed line, three pixels wide |
Drawing Functions:
GFX_LineDraw(unit16 x1, unit16 y1, unit16 x2, and unit16 y2) draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2, and leaves the cursor at the end point of the line.
GFX_RectangleDraw(unit16_t Left, unit16_t Top, unit16_t Right, and unit16_t Bottom) draws a rectangle using the current line type, and coordinates for top, left, right, and bottom.
GFX_RectangleRoundDraw(top, left, bottom, right, and radius) renders a rectangular shape with rounded corner using the given left, top, right, bottom, and radius parameters to define the shape dimension. Radius defines the rounded corner shape. When x1 = x2 and y1 = y2, a circular object is drawn. When x1 < x2 and y1 < y2 and rad (radius) = 0, a rectangular object is drawn.
GFX_RectangleRoundFillDraw(top, left, bottom, right, and radius) draws a filled beveled figure on the screen. For a filled circular object use top = bottom, and left = right. For a filled rectangular object, use radius = 0.
GFX_CircleDraw(x, y, and radius) draws a circle with the given radius and center point using the current line type.
GFX_CircleFillDraw(x, y, and radius) draws a circle filled with the current color.
RectangleFillDraw(left, top, right, and bottom) draws a solid rectangle using the current color within the coordinates.
To get a complete list of all graphics primitive functions, open help_mlagfx.jar located in …microchip/mla/vYYYY_MM_DD/doc….