Complex Breakpoint Latched-And
In addition to breakpoint sequences, a Latched-And (hardware AND) is available to AND a list of breakpoints. ANDed breakpoints can be useful when a variable is modified in more than one location and you need to break only when that variable is modified in one particular location.
Create a Breakpoint Latch-And
Right-click on an existing breakpoint or press Shift and click to select a group of existing breakpoints and right-click on the group.
From the pop-up menu, go to Complex Breakpoint and select Add a New Latched-And.
Enter a name for your Latched-And in the dialog box and click OK.
The breakpoint(s) will appear under the new Latched-And.
Add Existing Breakpoints to a Latch-And
Right-click on an existing breakpoint or press Shift and click to select a group of existing breakpoints and right-click on the group.
From the pop-up menu, go to Complex Breakpoint and select Move to Name, where Name is the name of the Latched-And.
Add a New Breakpoint to a Latch-And
Right-click on the Latched-And and select New Breakpoint.
Remove Breakpoints from a Latch-And
Right-click on an existing breakpoint or press Shift and click to select a group of existing breakpoints and right-click on the group.
From the pop-up menu, go to Complex Breakpoint and select Remove from Name, where Name is the name of the Latched-And.