Emulation Headers Additional Information
The following additional information is useful when using an emulation header from an Emulation Extension Pak (EEP).
Programming Notes
The emulation header is designed to be used with the in-circuit emulator in debugger mode, Debug > Debug Project (not in programmer mode, Run > Run Project) in MPLAB® X IDE. Any programming of the special -ME2 device on the header is for debug purposes.
To program production (non-special) devices with your debug tool, use the Universal Programming Module (UPM) (AC162049) or design a modular interface connector on the target. See the appropriate specification for connections. For the most up-to-date device programming specifications, see the Microchip website.
Also, production devices can be programmed with the following tools:
- MPLAB PM3 device programmer
- MPLAB PICkit™ 3 development programmer
- MPLAB ICD 3 in-circuit debugger (select as a programmer)
- MPLAB REAL ICE™ in-circuit emulator (select as a programmer)
Calibration Bits
The calibration bits for the band gap and internal oscillator are always preserved in their factory settings.
Performance Issues
See the MPLAB X IDE help file for your debug tool for information on specific device limitations that could affect performance.