Getting Started with MCU Projects Using MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Melody

Installing MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Melody Toolchain

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:29

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So you want to create a new project or work on an existing project using the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Melody graphical programming environment, but which software development tools do you need? Where do you get them and how do you install them?

MCC Melody comes pre-installed as a plug-in in the MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) as of version 6.10. All you need to install is the MPLAB X IDE and the MPLAB XC8 or XC-DSC C compiler, both are free and can be downloaded from the Microchip website.

Download and Install MPLAB X IDE

When you get to the MPLAB X IDE webpage, you’ll find the download button near the top of the page. Clicking this takes you further down the page to a section that allows you to select the download for your operating system. Start downloading and installing the MPLAB X IDE by clicking Download. Select a download location on your computer and wait for it to complete.
MPLAB X IDE webpage
Click image to enlarge.

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When the download is complete, start the installer program. The installer welcome window will be displayed. Click Next >.
Installer welcome window
Click image to enlarge.

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After reviewing the License Agreement, select I accept the agreement and click Next >.
License Agreement
Click image to enlarge.

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Installation Options allows the selection of an installation directory. You can keep the default selections and click Next >.
Installation Options
Click image to enlarge.

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Select Applications allows the selection of applications and device support to install. More selections mean more installation time and more hard drive space.

MPLAB Integrated Programming Environment (IPE) is not required for this course, so uncheck this box. If you want to install this later, rerun the MPLAB X IDE installer. The only device support for MCC is 8-bit MCUs and 16-bit dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). If you also want to work on 32-bit MCUs, leave its corresponding box checked and click Next >.

The Setup Wizard shows that it’s ready to start the installation process. Click Next > and wait for installation to complete.

Select Applications window
Click image to enlarge.

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Download and Install a Compiler

When installation is complete, the Setup Wizard asks if you want to launch the IDE or install the MPLAB XC compilers. The MPLAB XC8 and/or XC-DSC compilers still need to be installed, so check their corresponding boxes and click Finish. The compiler will start to download.
Setup Wizard
Click image to enlarge.

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When the download is complete the compiler Setup Wizard will be displayed. Click Next >.
Compiler Setup Wizard
Click image to enlarge.

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When the License Agreement is displayed, review it and select I accept the agreement and click Next >.
License Agreement
Click image to enlarge.

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License Type allows you to choose which version of the compiler you want to install. The Free compiler version is the same as the paid versions, with higher levels of optimization disabled. Select the Free version and click Next >.
License Type
Click image to enlarge.

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Installation Directory allows the selection of an installation directory. You can keep the default selection and click Next >.
Installation Directory
Click image to enlarge.

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Compiler Settings allows you to apply the settings to all users of the computer and to add the MPLAB XC8 PATH environment variable which is required to use the compiler outside the IDE. Keep the default selections and click Next >.
Compiler Settings
Click image to enlarge.

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The Setup Wizard shows it’s ready to start the installation process. Click Next > and wait for the installation to complete.
Ready to install compiler
Click image to enlarge.

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When installation completes, you will have the option to buy or evaluate a PRO license, or just click Next > to use the free version. Click Finish to complete the installation.
Installation complete
Click image to enlarge.

Congratulations! Now that the MPLAB X IDE and compiler are installed, you’re ready to create a new project or work on existing MCC Melody-based projects.