Create a Web-Enabled Digital Photo Frame: Step 11
Running the Application
After successfully building and boarding the program, the following will happen.
COM Terminal
The COM terminal should be set at a 115,200 baud speed, 8-bit of data, no parity, 1 stop bits, and no flow control.
When the application starts, the terminal should appear as shown in Figure: Application Start – Tera Term output window.
Do not worry about the mingled messages, the tasks use FreeRTOS and they fire when they are ready.
The display should start with a splash screen that shows the status of the initialized media and should invite the user to touch the screen to start the slideshow.
Web Browser
Inside the terminal, the IP address of the board should be displayed. Open a web browser like Mozilla Firefox®, Google Chrome™ browser, or Microsoft Edge and type the IP address into the address bar. The web page will load and look as follows:
To start the slide show, you can click on Auto button. Use the arrows to manually navigate through the pictures.