Create a Web-Enabled Digital Photo Frame: Step 11

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/12/15 16:35

Running the Application

After successfully building and boarding the program, the following will happen.

COM Terminal

The COM terminal should be set at a 115,200 baud speed, 8-bit of data, no parity, 1 stop bits, and no flow control.

Figure: Terra Term Serial port settings

Figure: Terra Term Serial port settings

When the application starts, the terminal should appear as shown in Figure: Application Start – Tera Term output window.

Do not worry about the mingled messages, the tasks use FreeRTOS and they fire when they are ready.

Figure: Application Start – Tera Term output window

Figure: Application Start – Tera Term output window

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The display should start with a splash screen that shows the status of the initialized media and should invite the user to touch the screen to start the slideshow.

Figure: Display Splash Screen

Figure: Display Splash Screen

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Web Browser

Inside the terminal, the IP address of the board should be displayed. Open a web browser like Mozilla Firefox®, Google Chrome™ browser, or Microsoft Edge and type the IP address into the address bar. The web page will load and  look as follows:

Figure: Web Browser Splash Screen

Figure: Web Browser Splash Screen

To start the slide show, you can click on Auto button. Use the arrows to manually navigate through the pictures.

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