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Workflow for MPLAB® Extensions for Microsoft® Visual Studio® Code (VS Code®)

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/11/18 14:04

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Workflow for MPLAB X IDE Users Familiar with Microsoft Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

If you are unfamiliar with using Visual Studio® Code (VS Code®), start with the "Learn MPLAB® Extensions for Visual Studio Code" page.

If you are unfamiliar with MPLAB X IDE, please view either the "Tutorial" or "Basic Development and Debug Flow" online chapters of the MPLAB X IDE User's Guide.

To create a new project:

  • Run the command MPLAB: Create New Project and follow the wizard

To import an MPLAB X IDE project:

  • Open the project folder (File > Open Folder) and then follow the import suggestion

To configure a project:

  • Run the command MPLAB: Edit Project Properties (UI) or 
  • Run the command MPLAB: Edit Project Properties (JSON) or
  • Open the project file manually

To build a project:

  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + B or
  • Run the command MPLAB CMake: Full Build or
  • Use the Hammer tool

To create a debug configuration for a new project:

  • Run Debug: Add Configuration and select MPLAB Debugger

To launch a debug session:

  • Use the keyboard shortcut F5 or
  • Select the configuration from the Run and Debug view