Emulation Header Support Information

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/12/20 19:05

Emulation headers require specific MPLAB® X IDE versions and debug tools to operate. Acquire these before purchasing an emulation header, in an Emulation Extension Pak (EEP). Available EEPs are listed here on the "Emulation Header List" page.

See the "Emulation Header Hardware Setup" page to set up emulation header hardware.

Contact Customer Support for issues with emulation headers.

Software Support

Emulation headers are supported on MPLAB® X IDE v1.90 and greater.

Customer Support

Users of Microchip products can receive assistance through several channels:

  • Distributor or Representative
  • Local Sales Office
  • Field Application Engineer (FAE)
  • Technical Support

Documentation errors or comments may be sent to: docerrors@microchip.com.