Buck Power Supply GUI Installation

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:32

The following steps describe how to install the MCP19110, 11, 18, and 19 Buck Power Supply Graphical User Interface (GUI) Plugin.

  1. If MPLAB® X IDE is already installed, go to Step 2. If not, download MPLAB X IDE.
  2. If an MPLAB XC8 C Compiler (v1.33 or later) - compatible C-compiler is already installed in MPLAB X IDE, go to Step 3. If not, you can download a free version of the XC8 compiler. Also, the XC8 user’s guide and installation instructions are available for download.
  3. Download the MCP19110/11/18/19 – Buck Power Supply Graphical User Interface Plugin Archive (ZIP).
  4. Unzip the MCP19110/11/18/19 – Buck Power Supply Graphical User Interface Plugin archive which contains the com-microchip-mplab-mcp1911X-buckpowersupply.nbm plugin file.
  5. The plugin file must be installed in MPLAB X IDE. To install it, open MPLAB X IDE. From the menu bar, select Tools > Plugins. This opens a new Plugins window. Select the Downloaded tab and click on the Add Plugins button. Locate the com-microchip-mplab-mcp1911X-buckpowersupply.nbm file that was downloaded in the archive and click Open. Then, click Install at the bottom left.
  6. Review and accept the License Agreement by checking the I accept the terms in all of the license agreements checkbox, then click Install.
  7. If a window opens indicating that the MCP19110/11/18/19 plugin is not signed, click Continue. Once the installation completes, select Finish to close the Plugin Installer window. MPLAB X IDE will restart.

Buck Power Supply GUI Plug-in Installation

After MPLABX restarts, Tools > Embedded > MCP1911X GUI Plugin.

MPLABX View: Tools > Embedded > MCP1911X GUI Plugin

The GUI plugin will be launched at the lower left.

GUI plugin launched

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