Memory Xplorer Evaluation Kit Setup

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/03/28 12:17

Microchip's Memory Xplorer supports multiple evaluation kits with more coming. This section describes how to assemble the kit, connect it to Memory Xplorer and configure Memory Xplorer for the selected device.


Note:  Socket Boards are dedicated to one protocol (I2CSPI, or SWI). Memory Xplorer will report a connection error in the Event Log if the socket and serial Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) device do not match.

Assemble the evaluation kit

To start using the evaluation kit, plug the Socket Board into the USB Base Board using the 2x5 connectors. Refer to the appropriate evaluation kit user guide for details.Memory Xplorer Evaluation Kit

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Add the serial EEPROM device

Once both boards are connected, install a Microchip EEPROM device into the Socket Board socket, making sure to note that the Pin 1 indicator on the PCB matches the Pin 1 indicator on the device.


Warning: To ensure correct software and hardware operation, the USB Base Board must be disconnected from the PC before adding or removing a device.

The following figure illustrates an SOIC device properly seated in its respective socket and highlights the Pin 1 indicator on the PCB.

Device in SOIC socket:
Memory Xplorer SOIC Evaluation Kit

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Insert the evaluation board into the computer USB port

Memory Xplorer will confirm socket detection in the Event Log if the setup is correct.

Memory Xplorer Socket Detection


Note: Check the Troubleshooting section if you need help.


Note: You may be prompted for a firmware update. Follow screen instructions to complete upgrade.

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Select device

Choose a device filter (File > Device Selection). You can filter by protocol and/or density:

  • Protocol
    • All - Clears previous Protocol selection
    • I2C
    • SPI
    • SWI

Memory Xplorer Protocol Filter

  • Density
    • Search by memory size (in bits) of serial EEPROM

Note: Selection can be cleared by selecting All option

Memory Xplorer Density Filter

A list of matching devices will be shown. There will be four columns of information:

  • Protocol
  • Device name
  • Device memory size (in bits)
  • An icon indicating which devices have extra features, e.g. Serial Number, EUI-48, etc. See the Terminology section in this lesson or product datasheet for more information.

Memory Xplorer Device Selection Panel

Select your device

The Start button will turn green. If not, verify the device protocol selected in the Protocol filter matches the selected device. See the Troubleshooting section for more suggestions. 

Memory Xplorer Green Start Button

Click the Start button

Memory Xplorer will read the serial EEPROM, update the Editor Panel, and make additional functionality available. If successfully connected, the Event Log will show Memory Xplorer successfully connecting the USB and socket, current voltage, and read operation status.

Check the Troubleshooting section if you need help. 

Memory Xplorer Successful Device Selection

What's Next?

Now your evaluation kit is set up, you can learn about the various features of Memory Xplorer. A good starting point is the Editor Panel overview. Or if you are ready to program your serial EEPROM device, see the Memory Xplorer Write, Read and Erase Operations for details. 

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