Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/10 11:02

IPE Menus

The MPLAB® Integrated Programming Environment (IPE) main window shows six menu items at the top.  It is not necessary to understand every menu item completely but doing so will allow the user to access the full range of features and functionality of the tool.  The links below will explain each of these menu items.

File Menu

The File Menu provides three commands, Export, Import, and Exit. 

Settings Menu

The Settings Menu on the MPLAB IPE Menu bar contains commands available for production personnel.

View Menu

The View Menu determines viewable memory types based on the Production settings that are selected in Advanced Mode.

Tools Menu

The Tools Menu provides access to plugins.

Window Menu

The Window Menu allows the user to access the memory VIews provided that these views have been made available by the settings in Advanced Mode.

Help Menu

The Help Menu provides access to Read Me Docs, Help Content, Tool Help Contents, Tool Help Contents, and information about the current version of MPLAB IPE.